Learning Lab

How can we adopt a holistic perspective on our lives and the vital role sleep plays?


Science has provided valuable insights into what happens to our brain and body during sleep, though much remains to be discovered. What we do know is that sleep is essential for our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, significantly influencing how our bodies function. Adults generally need between seven and nine hours of sleep. While this might seem like a lot for some, even just a reduction to six hours a night for a few days can lead to mental strain, affecting our cognitive abilities. Moreover, accumulating sleep debt makes us less aware of our growing need for rest, and we may even become accustomed to that foggy feeling. So, how can we rethink sleep as a powerful driver of our growth, learning, and overall enjoyment of life? Athletes, for instance, prioritize sleep far more than the average person to optimize their performance. As learners and individuals who engage in high-level cognitive tasks, it's crucial that we also make sleep a priority. In this challenge, let's focus on building healthy sleep habits and recognize how essential they are to our daily functioning and enjoyment of life.